Julien Louis
Timeless impressions. My creations are inspired by a time gone by. A subtle symbiosis between the various elements can bring the spectator to tears.
Timeless impressions. My creations are inspired by a time gone by. A subtle symbiosis between the various elements can bring the spectator to tears.
My research has led me towards a destiny composed of tragedy and melancholy where mis-understood worlds, dropouts and abandoned hopes collide and create a workable tumult in my mind. A radical change in my work tends towards the abstract.
The "Support" is an entity which speaks to me and I allow myself to be guided by its charm. Therefore, the concept of balance is born as a result of the fusion of my inner being and what is represented on the canvas.
By distorting truth from the reality of today, I can allow myself to modify the thread of my work. I can go beyond the limits of language and formality. Also, I can explore new frontiers which include forcing the spectator to search my canvases for a sense of self.
In each canvas, there is a hidden, concealed, buried landscape. This allows the canvas to be re-born a second and third time giving the spectator plenty of desire and latitude to find the mystery of the "said truth" being depicted.
"To allow oneself to be submerged between madness and pure truth....what is better than to dream of the outcome of a unique creation."
My artistic research relies on the expression of my method. I explore various forms and colors, depending on the borders of the particular work. The image reveals itself while allowing space for
a renewed landscape.
By playing with the abstract, i can re-interpret a reality where the language of the work becomes an expression which opposes form and function. The gestures that I apply the materials with explore the notions of balance, dissension and re-interpretation. The senses are thus challenged; everything becomes a bursting premise.
The object of my research depends on the landscape and how the work is organized on the canvas. Therefore, the image is limited by such references that can pierce through the reality of the subject.
In this chaos of tumult and deadlock, I like to transgress the limits of equilibrium. My method shows the collision of the tools and the colors.
The significance of the silence of the canvas offers the spectator even more. My creative pictorial joins something more subtle which together cause a rupture between form and the plan. This produces an intoxicated state which is an affront to the dynamics of balance.
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